Like most other writers, I can usually pick up a napkin and pencil and write anywhere. And I’m certainly never without a pen and a writing tablet. My purse is always filled with odd bits of paper with indecipherable scribble that was important when I wrote it down.
But a writer’s office is their sanctuary—a peaceful environment where their muse feels safe to come out and play. The special kind of environment that’s conducive to creativity, someplace inspiring.
I’ve done everything I can to add inspiration to my office. It has plush carpet, freshly painted walls, pretty curtains, a basket of rocks, a huge sandstone from the beach on the Oregon coast, and a picture of an Orca whale. Perfect. All the things I need to feel relaxed and comfortable while my muse comes out to play.
But there’s something else in my office. Something that can derail my thought process before I’ve even realized what’s happened. I know I’m not the only writer who struggles with this.
Spider Solitaire.
Oh, that last one is bad. I can click away two hours in less than fifteen minutes. When I go to my office to write, I’m forever saying, “Really? It’s 8 o’ clock already?” Then the wail heard around my neighborhood sounds something like this: “But I was only going to play one game while I work this scene out in my head!”
Back in the day of “dial-up” and before they started putting Spider Solitaire on every computer, I was much more productive and would go wash laundry or vacuum while I worked out scene related problems. Now, however, Spider Solitaire is sabotaging my new book.
Hence my need for a new office!
So every Saturday, and on Sunday after church and lunch with my mom or my husband, I take my writing tablet and favorite pen to my new office. There are no electronic distractions here. And if I get to a point in a scene where I’m stuck, God knows exactly what I need because he knows where I get my inspiration.
I just take a little walk along the beach. Writing problems have a way of working out here. Inspiration is all around me and I tend to accomplish a pretty decent word count. Not only that, but some of my best work is done here.
There’s just one problem. When I finally sit down at my computer to type in all I’ve written, I can’t read my handwriting!
But with an office like this…
…can I really complain?
God’s creation is so inspiring, and I’m so blessed to be able to experience it in this special way.